Current Events

Come join us on Facebook for the latest from Messiah

The Food Pantry  – The food pantry ministry collects non-perishable, non-breakable items to donate to the local food back.  Place your donated items in the bucket in the narthex.

Summer Play Group – Playgroup meets every Tuesday (Jun 18-Aug 27) from 9:30am-11:00am.  If weather is good, we meet on the playground and if the weather is not good, we will meet inside.  All ages welcome with a caregiver required to stay.

Messiah Book Club – We meet the second Monday of every month to discuss a different book.  The books are both fiction and non-fiction that relate to Christian themes.  The books are short enough to read even if you’re not a great reader.  And you can even come and join in the conversations if you didn’t read the book.


Acolytes Needed! – We are looking to expand our Acolyte Family!  If you have never acolyted before we welcome you to come and speak with Jacie Waltner at church.  Signups are in the Narthex.  We hope to see many of you sign up and are excited to see how this new system works.  Talk to Karla Waltner if you have questions.

Messiah Mission Women – The purpose of the Messiah Mission Women is to create a fellowship that supports our church family, community outreach programs and global missions.

Tuesday Lady’s Bible Study – The Tuesday morning lady’s bible study group meets at Panera every Tuesday.

Thank You Messiah Congregation!

– Thanks to those who contribute to Messiah Missions (Food Closet, Stop Hunger Now, Kits for Conference, Adopt-A-Lot, etc.)

– Thanks to those who donate their time! To all the youth volunteers, Sunday school teachers, praise team, choirs, grounds crew, etc.

– If we left you out… Thank you for making Messiah United Methodist Church a loving and caring place to fellowship and practice ‘Christ Centered Hospitality’!